October 30, 2014

AC19 Projects

Image taken by Avi Avalos 
AC19 Pojects 2014.

October 28, 2014

Official FWSA 2014

Happy to announce I'm officially on board as one of the new hosts of StyleLushTV.com
Along with Founder, Burgundy Woods, official Host, who this year is the official online correspondent for 
Fashion Week San Antonio 2014 November 1st-7th 
We will be covering all things fashion Happening in San Antonio during #FWSA 

Goodwill San Antonio will be hosting a 
"Thrift and Mingle" event at their downtown location on Commerce street.
Open to the Fashion Public who will be right across the street at the Texas A&M facilities in Market Square. November 5th, 4-6pm 
I will be presenting a small collection of reUPed garments using clothes from GodwillSA 
Please come join the fashionistas in our lovely gorgeous trending city ... I LOVE SAN ANTONIO

October 21, 2014

Halloween segment for local Spanish TV station

Customers searching through the Halloween goods at goodwill

Intern from ESD, was our model. Thanks ,

These are the items I purchased to transforming into other jewelry ...my fun job!

October 19, 2014

Week worth

Indie Sunday Funday 
Q&Jdj Saturday 
AEB Friday
Reactivate Thursday 
The Lexington Wednesday
Transforming Tuesdays 

October 15, 2014

"Fall Fashion Thrifted"

The cool weather is upon us this week, so ladies pull out
Your winter garments and see which ones make the cut for this season
If you're not wearing it , don't put it back in storage. Donate it to Goodwill.
Or if your closet is in need of some new infusion of clothes on a budget
Thrifting for unusual garments can really accent your wardrobe, add it to the mix
With that in mind , me and my small amazing crew:

Jenelle Esparza photography took all the incredible images.
Isabella Humphries model and asst. stylist.

Set off to 
The Goodwill. Staff at the Blanco/Loop 410 location were very helpful in accommodating us 
with space in store and allowed us to work in a very organic way, 
I would like to thank  Demika Devers, manager, for treating us with kindness and respect.
She made sure we were taken care of , while we sprawled out in a front corner of the store, with 
lighting and props and all the things involved in a photo shoot, imagine the dressing room
The styling was the part I anticipate the most and this shoot was no different, only that this time I had an amazing model,  Isabella, who has great fashion sense ,so she helped in the styling of certain looks
We had work to do and we managed to have fun at the same time, so much that we plan on our next outing to happen in early November at another Goodwill location. 
I was going to describe each outfit, now I feel there is no need for that.
Here are the looks from the Goodwill.
Remember when you shop at Goodwill, you're funding educational programs and
Services that assist people in finding better jobs and building careers.


My photo
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Designer based in Texas. Creating One-of-a-kind Originals. Reclaiming textures and recycling Fabrics, I envision uses for discarded culture. I POP them into a new recycled life. I am a Painter, a colorist, a mobile D.J., A writer, a performance artist, a comedian, a boutique owner, an uncle,and a friend to few. How I see life through my words and pictures. Profess..or.....