October 24, 2008

I remain.

This time of year seems to bring out my most creative zone.,it's late October and the weather is changing, cooler nights and sleepless moments. A time to become. a time to give back.
This weekend I am part of a fashion show for cancer awareness month and in early November a fashion show in Houston to benefit M.E.C.A., a non-profit innner city art institution that caters to urban latino youth. plan to share some images with my blog readers. with some verbage.
For now though here are some recent moments thru the lens of the ever present cool pix.

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San Antonio, Texas, United States
Designer based in Texas. Creating One-of-a-kind Originals. Reclaiming textures and recycling Fabrics, I envision uses for discarded culture. I POP them into a new recycled life. I am a Painter, a colorist, a mobile D.J., A writer, a performance artist, a comedian, a boutique owner, an uncle,and a friend to few. How I see life through my words and pictures. Profess..or.....