April 17, 2008

Feel the Rhythm:WEBB2008

With the 2008 edition of the WEBB Party@ San Antonio Museum of Art, set to kick off Fiesta 2008 tomorrow, I archived some images from the last WEBB, I participated in.
That year I made clothes for the go-go dancers and had a vintage fashion show emceed by
Miss Brini Maxwell and her well to do ways. Alot of Fun and alot of hard work for a good cause,
this event benefits the San Antonio AIDS Foundation.
This year I was asked to contribute to the silent auction from local artists, I donated my original
ART OF FASHION Dress made of mesh and leather, plus a signed framed original picture of my Ballon dress circa2006.
AND I intend on documenting this for my archives and will share with my blog readers.
Miss you, Regina!

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San Antonio, Texas, United States
Designer based in Texas. Creating One-of-a-kind Originals. Reclaiming textures and recycling Fabrics, I envision uses for discarded culture. I POP them into a new recycled life. I am a Painter, a colorist, a mobile D.J., A writer, a performance artist, a comedian, a boutique owner, an uncle,and a friend to few. How I see life through my words and pictures. Profess..or.....