February 4, 2008

SASS:San Antonio Street Styles, pART 1.

Wow! the Quality of the images has really improved, thanks to Sass photographer Troy Wise.
and the New white backdrop really make the models Pop! Really excited this project is continuing to attract attention. This marking the seventh month of this series ,we see people stepping up their style and several repeat
Fashionistas showing up all ready!
I got the rest of the images to post today.

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San Antonio, Texas, United States
Designer based in Texas. Creating One-of-a-kind Originals. Reclaiming textures and recycling Fabrics, I envision uses for discarded culture. I POP them into a new recycled life. I am a Painter, a colorist, a mobile D.J., A writer, a performance artist, a comedian, a boutique owner, an uncle,and a friend to few. How I see life through my words and pictures. Profess..or.....