April 30, 2014

Dynamic Lucia

My grandmothers name was Lucia Castillo Cuellar
My aunt Linda Cuellar Gonzales gave me my abuelitas dynamic sewing machine
That my grandfather Augustine modified from a manuel to motor driven.
Here is the machine that I learned on as a kid
My wela was the one who taught me to thread and sew
So I dedicated this line to her loving memory.
Instilled with pride and passíon 
Que viva rasquachismo!
Soy chicaña y Que¿

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San Antonio, Texas, United States
Designer based in Texas. Creating One-of-a-kind Originals. Reclaiming textures and recycling Fabrics, I envision uses for discarded culture. I POP them into a new recycled life. I am a Painter, a colorist, a mobile D.J., A writer, a performance artist, a comedian, a boutique owner, an uncle,and a friend to few. How I see life through my words and pictures. Profess..or.....