July 30, 2014

Work it fashion show -Images

Hey Amigos,
Images from the "Work it" fashion show...behind the scenes 
Held at the newest Goodwill in San Antonio 
This was the first official fashion show from the great folks at Goodwill SA 
All images by Kristel A. Puente

July 24, 2014

Food made by Me.

Doritos infused olive/pineapple Chicken Salad

Boil the water. Then add the boneless chicken.
Cut the celery into small fine pieces, save a few stalks for later, for presentation.
Dice the onion..fine...some tears ...worth it at the end.
Celery chopped up.
Pimento olives finely diced 
I use Goya Manzanilla spansh olives and Helmann's mayonnaise on this Lunes(Monday).
Breast of chicken two chickens. White only....no bones about it.

Finely chopped and then rechopped
 Gently put in bowl...ready to mix
Two hard boiled eggs peeled and chopped add to the mix
Add it all together and mix well.. I say Mix Well.

Added crushed pineapple pieces to add a sweetness plus garlic salt. Ha.
For the ting and tart I crushed up half a bag of Doritos Cool Ranch. And added to taste.
Proceeded to make sandwiches into small squares for easy consumption in the shape of a birthday 
Cake. It was my friends birthday gathering , I brought this to David.

Then also made a salad that could be put into the refrigerator for later consumption
And this is the way it goes by adding a few stalks of celery to the bottom of the your presenting salad bowl for uplifting taste.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Enjoy with some sparkling Texas ice tea from the sun!

July 12, 2014

Two openings, same night, two artist, two of me from the Guadalupe to the HighWire

Artists: Kristel Orta Puente -HighWire JalapeƱo gallery
            Rigoberto Luna Guadalupe Cultural center - Museo Guadalupe 

July 7, 2014

"Work it" with Goodwill: Up Cycle caftan into Kimono/robe paired with Denim cut offs.

Dior Couture 2014

Dior Couture 
Dior. Couture 
Wanted to create a look similar to the runway looks from Dior, also wante it to fell fresh and southwest inspired so I Found this dress from India that seemed small , once I cut off the sleeves it gave it more arm 
room, plus I made the arm holes larger on both sides for a better fit and a more loose casual feel.
Proceeded to cut the garment straight down the middle, being that this piece had embroidery 
I had no problem with fraying once I pinned the edges down for the seams.

After I had removed the sleeves and cut the entire length of the dress. I seamed all the edges and arm holes to create the kimono/robe hot off the runway, that can be paired in different looks for a day to night transformation.
Paired up with cutoff denim shorts that I distressed a bit by running the sharp end of the scissors
At the cut frayed end of the shorts, paired up with a vintage style light cotton tee supplied by the Friendly Spot Ice House in Southtown 
The  repurposed  jeans shorts were cut by an inch , all the original labels were removed, except for the 
Buttons and one belt loop was cut out for indentifying purposes.
Kenzo 2015

project number two.
Wanted to create the same feeling as the previous piece
Just wanted it to be larger and longer for a more dramatic touch

Found this large one piece poncho robe dress with some interesting details and motifs.
I proceeded to 
CUT straight down the middle of the garment and pinned the amount I wanted to sew
I wanted it to be more open in the front , so I pinned and sewed it closer to the sides

Paired up with this animal empire sheath dress/top, The look creates a night time
Pizazz for the fashion conscious gals,,who love to fell the flair.
This polyester see thru dress was a sweet find..all items are resourced from Goodwill.."Work It"
Paired with a bikini top and shorts, this makes a great over dress.
The afternoon getaway. The San Antonio heat is on, this look will turn up the heat, 
While keeping you in the coolest of shades.
All the looks were resorced from Goodwill San Antonio
helping people ...helping lives.
Rock On ReImagine the ways.
Till next post..


My photo
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Designer based in Texas. Creating One-of-a-kind Originals. Reclaiming textures and recycling Fabrics, I envision uses for discarded culture. I POP them into a new recycled life. I am a Painter, a colorist, a mobile D.J., A writer, a performance artist, a comedian, a boutique owner, an uncle,and a friend to few. How I see life through my words and pictures. Profess..or.....